Understanding the origin of mental health disorders involves examining a complex interplay of various factors that can influence an individual's mental well-being. One of the most comprehensive models used to understand this complexity is the bio-psycho-social-spiritual model. This approach recognizes that mental health is not solely the result of biological factors, but also includes psychological, social, and spiritual dimensions. Each of these areas can contribute to the development of mental health disorders, making it essential to consider the whole person in treatment and prevention efforts.
Biological factors play a crucial role and include genetics, neurochemistry, and physical health conditions. For instance, research has shown that certain mental health disorders, such as depression and schizophrenia, can run in families, suggesting a genetic component. Neurochemical imbalances, such as deficiencies or excesses in neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine, are also linked to various mental health issues. Biological factors can serve as a pre-disposition to mental health disorders and become expressed in the presence of stress or trauma. Additionally, physical health problems, chronic illnesses, and even prenatal factors can influence mental health, underscoring the need for a holistic approach to healthcare. The psychological, social, and spiritual dimensions are equally significant. Psychological factors include one's emotional state, coping mechanisms, and past trauma or experiences. Social factors encompass relationships, community support, and systemic oppression, which can profoundly impact one's mental health. For instance, relationship distress or financial uncertainty can exacerbate mental health issues. Lastly, the spiritual dimension involves an individual's sense of purpose, beliefs, and connection to something greater, which can provide resilience and a sense of peace. By addressing all these aspects, individuals can achieve a more balanced and fulfilling life, fostering hope and recovery in the journey towards mental well-being. Stay tuned for next week’s blog about hope for healing mental health disorders.
The mental health needs of LGBTQ+ individuals are unique and complex, often shaped by the distinct challenges they face in society. Discrimination, stigma, and the pressure to conform to heteronormative and cisnormative expectations can create an environment where LGBTQ+ people are more susceptible to mental health issues. Studies show that LGBTQ+ individuals are at a higher risk for depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation compared to their heterosexual and cisgender counterparts. These elevated risks underscore the importance of providing tailored and sensitive mental health support that acknowledges and addresses these specific challenges.
One critical aspect of supporting LGBTQ+ mental health is understanding the impact of minority stress. Minority stress refers to the chronic stress experienced by individuals from stigmatized minority groups. For LGBTQ+ individuals, this stress can stem from various sources, including internalized homophobia or transphobia, experiences of discrimination, and social rejection. Such stressors can profoundly affect mental health, leading to feelings of isolation, low self-esteem, and chronic anxiety. Mental health professionals need to be aware of these factors and incorporate them into their therapeutic approaches, creating a safe and affirming space for LGBTQ+ clients. Healing the nervous system is a vital component of mental health care for LGBTQ+ individuals. Chronic stress and trauma can dysregulate the nervous system, leading to symptoms such as hypervigilance, anxiety, and emotional numbness. Techniques that promote nervous system healing, such as mindfulness, deep breathing exercises, and somatic therapies, can be particularly beneficial. These practices help individuals reconnect with their bodies, release stored tension, and cultivate a sense of safety and calm. By integrating nervous system healing into mental health care, therapists can help LGBTQ+ clients build resilience and recover from the impacts of trauma. Moreover, social support plays a crucial role in the mental well-being of LGBTQ+ individuals. Building and maintaining connections with affirming and supportive communities can mitigate the negative effects of minority stress. LGBTQ+ support groups, community organizations, and online forums can provide safe spaces for individuals to share their experiences, receive validation, and find solidarity. These connections not only reduce feelings of isolation but also empower individuals to embrace their identities with pride and confidence. Encouraging LGBTQ+ individuals to seek out and engage with supportive communities can significantly enhance their mental health and overall well-being. Ultimately, a compassionate and holistic approach to mental health care is essential for LGBTQ+ individuals. By addressing the unique challenges they face, promoting nervous system healing, and fostering supportive social connections, we can create an environment where LGBTQ+ individuals can thrive. Mental health professionals, allies, and communities all play a crucial role in this process. Through understanding, empathy, and proactive support, we can help ensure that every LGBTQ+ person has the opportunity to live a fulfilling and mentally healthy life. Now we will count to twelve and we will all keep still...What I want should not be confused with total inactivity. Life is what it is about...If we were not so single-minded about keeping our lives moving, and for once could do nothing, perhaps a huge silence might interrupt this sadness of never understanding ourselves. -Pablo Neruda, Keeping Quiet
Last week, I was doing an exercise class that focused on the legs. We did one side, and by the time we switched to the opposite leg, my whole lower body felt sore! I didn't want to move to the right side of my body, as the left side already hurt enough. I considered giving up, when the instructor spoke up. "Instead of focusing on the pain you are currently in and what you have left," she said, "appreciate the work you have already done." In that moment, my perspective totally changed. Instead of dreading the work left to be done, I started appreciating the other side of my body. I may have even congratulated myself out loud. As I thought about the work my body had done physically, I found myself lost in a series of personal memories where I had become overwhelmed by the tasks ahead of me. How many times had I spent more time dreading an exam in college than actually studying for it? Or what about the times when I have known I needed counseling but refused to go out of fear of the work ahead. The dread and anxiety about the future can seem crippling and even lead to a type of paralysis. But What If We Slowed Things Down? Instead of ruminating about our own fear and discomfort surrounding the future, what might happen if we paused to celebrate the small decisions that helped us arrive at our present. Is there something in your near future that surrounds you with anxiety? Maybe it's a job you are nervous to apply for, or a conversation with a friend that you are dreading. Or perhaps it is the day-to-day that bogs you down. When my child was younger, I used to lie in bed and think, "there is no way I will have enough energy to make it through tomorrow." What if we slowed down our worry and replaced it with remembrance? What made you interested in the job you are nervous to apply for? What professional skills are you proud of? What work did you do to attain those skills? Take time to remember what you have done and celebrate your accomplishments. For the mother worried that she will never have enough energy for the next day, remember the work you did that morning! Did you wake up? did you change diapers? did you hold and nourish your child? celebrate the work you have already done. As we take time to celebrate our past accomplishments, we can be led to empowerment and find freedom from anxiety. Can you pause today to celebrate the small victories in your life? What have you done today that has led you to success? What about in the past week or month? At times, our minds are moving so quickly that it seems impossible to slow down to pause and remember. If this practice seems too daunting to you right now, it could be helpful to seek outside help from a counselor. Working with a counselor will not only help you to create more space to make decisions, but will also help reduce overall stress. If you can in this moment, I invite you to pause. Appreciate the work you have already done. "Traumatic events are extraordinary, not because they occur rarely, but rather because they overwhelm the ordinary human adaptations to life."
- Judith Herman, Trauma and Recovery When you hear the word, "trauma," what comes to mind? Growing up, I placed trauma in a category of things I only heard about on the news. Events like plane crashes, robbery at gunpoint, or natural disasters made sense to me. Of course they were big and terrible and traumatic--the news said so! However, as I got older, I realized that there was much more grey area about what was actually considered trauma or not. Some trauma is publicized, but other times thoughts about it can become so difficult that even one's closest friends do not know about it. Furthermore, trauma to one person may not be considered trauma to another. In these cases, is it still considered trauma? While some trauma can take a very clear and pervasive form, like in the cases I mentioned above, it can also be more subtle and even happen over a period of time. Often, individuals do not seek out the counseling treatment they need because they do not feel like their experiences were "bad enough." If you are wondering if you have experienced trauma and should consider counseling, I recommend asking yourself two questions. First, do you have experiences in your life that you would define as traumatic? I'm not asking whether your aunt or the newspaper or your Facebook feed calls it traumatic. Instead, I want to know how YOU feel about your experiences. If you have experienced an event in your life that you define as traumatic and want to talk about it, I would urge you to consider calling a counselor. You may be surprised by how healing it is to have your story of trauma validated by an objective individual. Perhaps you are certain you have experienced trauma, but still do not know if you should consider counseling. In that case, my second question to you is this: are you having difficulties in life that you did not have before the trauma occurred? For example, you may find that you struggle to sleep through the night, have an increased/decreased appetite, or have difficulty completing tasks efficiently at work or school. Or maybe the experience of the trauma has become so pervasive that you can't seem to stop thinking about it. By seeing a counselor, you can begin to develop coping skills that will reduce your post-traumatic symptoms and help you feel more functional in your daily life. If you can answer yes to one or both of these questions, it may be time to consider reaching out for trauma therapy. Healing is possible when you are willing to commit the time to properly honor your story in the context of a safe relationship. Written by Christian Swan on March 09, 2017 Practicing this DBT Skill can help us stay grounded and connected this holiday season! Mindfulness is a skill that, when practiced regularly, is a great tool to reduce stress, connect with our personal goals and create genuine connection with others. The holidays can be rich in memory, sentiment and relationship. They can also be full of family expectations, grief and reminders of trauma. These, and many more experiences, can overwhelm, cause us to disregard our own needs, and flood us with many different emotions. In order to enjoy the positive aspects of the holiday and skillfully navigate the challenges, try practicing mindfulness throughout your holiday season!
Mindfulness has three components:
Mindfulness as Stress-Reduction For many, the holiday season means a busy schedule and many more tasks and to-dos than normal. Practicing mindfulness in the midst of the whirlwind helps to produce moments of calm to catch our breath and remember our priorities. Mindfulness also helps us evaluate where our time and energy are going and make the most intentional decisions for ourselves in this season. Mindfulness as Social Support Paying attention to the present moment, without judgement can give us a lot of important information about what is happening in a room, or in a conversation. In the midst of a holiday gathering, take a moment to simply observe what is happening inside and outside of yourself. Allow yourself the gift of a few deeper breaths. Notice who is talking with who, and what those dynamics are like. Notice what is happening inside yourself as you connect with different people. Hold this information lightly and without judgement, and allow this information to guide your interactions. Mindfulness to support Intentional Decisions If you find yourself navigating a lot of spoken and/or unspoken expectations over the holidays, mindfulness skills can help you identify your needs and desires and to stay connected to them throughout the season. Spend some intentional moments noticing where you would like your time and energy to go this season, what would make it memorable and special for you and yours. Notice how other’s expectations are making you feel, especially if those expectations cause you to disregard your own needs and desires. Give yourself the gift of staying connected to yourself and your values, which becomes a much more congruent and grounded holiday experience. Social anxiety can be consuming and can really limit the life experiences one might be open to. Imagine having to overcome a wave of panic, accompanied with rapid heartbeat, muscle tension and even blurry vision when walking into certain social circumstances. This dizzying experience can feel disorienting and even dissociative. When this happens regularly, it is understandable that we might start to avoid situations that cause this response all together. When this becomes a pattern, we may experience a narrowing of life experiences, a decrease in self-esteem and a reduced willingness to try new things.
It is possible to learn skills that help us navigate social events with more ease. Feeling confident and calm in social situations allow us to be present with ourselves and with others in the room. We are more able to be genuine and operate within our natural personality, making higher quality connections. There is one skill that has been the most helpful for our clients who are unlearning social anxiety. It is the DBT Mindfulness skill OBSERVATION. To understand this skill the most, let’s take a quick look at Mindfulness. When we are practicing mindfulness, we are 1) noticing our internal/external environment,2) without judgement and 3) without minimizing or enhancing what we find there. It is simply a practice of noticing. Noticing what we are feeling in any given moment. Noticing what is happening around us. Noticing what might feel like a threat. Simply noticing. Mindfulness practices like this slow us down and bring us into the present moment. And when we break this mindful practice into even smaller skills, one of the most impactful skills is that of OBSERVATION. We are simply taking in information, through our senses, thought processes and relationships. To observe skillfully, we need to create enough distance from what we are encountering to fully take it in. And this observable distance can make a big difference for social anxiety. Let me explain a little more clearly. Imagine yourself preparing to go to a social event where you do not know anyone. You are expecting to walk into a room of people milling around and forming small conversation groups, and you are expected to go and have a good time. Practically speaking, this might be a business networking event, an awards ceremony, a college orientation day, etc. What I am encouraging you to try, is to enter the event as an OBSERVER first and foremost. Find a comfortable place in the room to sit or stand. Once you are there, take a few deep breaths that bring you into the present moment and allow the room to stop spinning. As you do this, you are creating an observable distance from which you can take in all that is happening in the room in that moment. Notice what is happening around you. Notice how many conversation groupings there are, how are the people in conversation feeling, are there other nervous people present, where are the food and beverages located, are there people who are also looking for someone to talk with? You are simply noticing what is happening in the room. And from this observation point, you might start to notice where you’d like to be in the room. You may prefer to stay right where you are at, you may notice a conversation you’d like to join, you may notice that you’d like to get a drink before doing anything else. Regardless of where you go from here, mindfully observing your surroundings has allowed you more choice to be genuine in your interactions. And with practice, you may just feel more open and confident in new social situations! |
August 2024